Today Ace had to see an eye specialist and his vision is perfect as well as all the muscular things that keep your eyeball in place. However, there are a few issues that we have to take a look at in 6 months to see if anything has changed. The first issue is called pseudostrabismus and this is where a child's eye appears to be turning inward because of their facial structures. The bridge of Ace's nose is really wide, and it extends more on the right side covering up the white of his eye making him look like his right eye is turning in. We are hoping that as he grows older and his face continues to change and lose the baby fat, that this will correct itself. The second thing is called Ptosis or drooping of the eyelid. As many of you know, Brent, his mom, his sister, and his brother all have the same exact eyes. Ace's eyes are interesting because if you look at him, it looks like he has one of my eyes and one of Brent's eyes as far as shape goes. Ace's eyelid doesn't really droop, but there is a lot of fat under it causing it to look like it droops. Again, part of his facial structure and we are hoping that in time, this will correct itself.
I am just glad his vision was perfect so he doesn't have to wear glasses. I don't think I could keep them on him, nor a patch which is something his pediiatrician thought he was going to have to wear.
Enjoy the pics! He loved the special sunglasses he had to wear after having his eyes dilated. He thought they were so funny.
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